
Achilles Design
50 x 14 x 14 cm (Robi Box), Ø 7 x 3 cm (Robi Knop)
sheet metal, recycled PET, EVA, (GF)PA, Zamak
die cut, laser cut, bending, extrusion, injection moulding, die casting

Robi is a modular under-the-sink solution that filters and enriches tap water.

Robi is a modular under-the-sink solution that filters tap water. It enriches the tap water through a choice of capsules that approach the taste of bottled water. Robi is an ecosystem consisting of a module that fits under the sink, the Robi Box, the carrier of the Robi Capsule, and is operated remotely using the Robi Button. The Robi App monitors usage. The aim of Robi is to impact consumer behaviour and prevent the purchase of bottled water. The appliance is low threshold for installation and use.

The jury on Robi:

The product stands out because it is very easy to fit into existing (domestic) situations, thereby surpassing the accessibility of current systems. It is also very easy to operate. Robi is intended to be part of a range that can provide water with different degrees of mineralisation.

How did the idea for this project come about?

Our company wants to have an impact. We want to replace bottled water with purified tap water in as many places as possible. Since more than 60% of bottled water is consumed at home in Belgium, we had to come up with a solution for the home. During one of our brainstorming sessions, we came up with the idea that using a tap for drinking water should become a kind of recognisable ritual, something that's different from turning the tap on to wash your hands, for example. And so we came up with the idea of a simple button. ‘Water from the button’ was born!

What makes your project so special?

The project focuses on change, not yet another water softener. The premise was very simple: packing and transporting water is absurd! Why do so many people still drink water from a bottle when tap water is perfectly drinkable and how do we succeed in getting bottled water drinkers to choose tap water? After thorough research and from our B2B experience, we had the answer to the first question: the taste. As a solution to question two, Robi offers a range of capsules. They enrich the tap water with a specific taste. And your favourite bottled water comes straight from the kitchen tap. Robi also has an app that records how much water you drink every day. It calculates this in number of bottles to motivate the die-hard bottled water drinker.

How does it contribute to a better world?

Robinetto is an impact company with a mission: to reduce the waste mountain and the CO2 footprint caused by packaging, distribution, transport and the use of water in bottles. If we want to convince the consumer, we need a change in behaviour. Our mission is very clear and no one is in any doubt it. This concerns everyone. But consumers are creatures of habit and responding to that is our challenge. Robi is an accessible solution that also saves money. Our mission is a success if 40% of bottled water drinkers in Belgium quit their habit. That way, consumers also contribute to a better world.
