JUUNOO founder Chris Van de Voorde is a man with a mission. “I once lost a pitch because I said that my ambition is to turn all the walls on Earth, the moon and Mars into sustainable, circular JUUNOO walls. ‘Ridiculous’, I heard then, ‘too much imagination’. But I do mean it.”


  • develops and produces circular interior walls
  • founded in 2017 by Chris Van de Voorde
  • currently has 26 employees
  • has grown by 900% over the past three years
  • is active in Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and New York
  • includes companies such as Proximus, Durabrik and Renson among its customer base

“I quickly understood that I not only had to develop a sustainable product, but I also had to link it to a sustainable business model.”

Chris Van de Voorde - JUUNOO

The jury on JUUNOO

The jury is presenting the Ecodesign by OVAM Gold Award to JUUNOO, the modular wall system consisting of height-adjustable steel modules. The walls, which can consist of different materials, can be easily moved by means of a click system. The company thus creates a sustainable and ecological impact in the construction and office markets. The principle of circular construction and furnishing thus gains an additional function, and is widely shared by the team behind JUUNOO.

Listen to OVAM's podcats with met Chris Van de Voorde on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Would you like to read an in-depth interview with Chris Van de Voorde? Then order a copy of our latest publication! You will find an overview of all this year's winners, but we also dive into the past of 30 years of awards. The richly illustrated publication (224 pages) is bilingual (NL-EN) and was designed by Geoffrey Brusatto. You can order it online at 10 euros.