Prosthetic X

Isaac Monté (& In 4Art)

Prosthetic X is a research that provides insight into health data and encourages behavioural change.

Prosthetic X © Monica Monte
Prosthetic X © Monica Monte

In Prosthetic X, Isaac Monté studied how design and technology can be used to closely monitor our own health and thus stimulate behavioural change. The artificial data body consists of ten prostheses that give the wearer insight into their own health, helping them to remain active (also socially), healthy and independent for longer. Have I exercised enough today? Have I been outdoors enough? Have I had the necessary social contact? Prosthetic X wearers can easily tell by the colours or shape of the prostheses they wear on their body. The project aims to monitor our health preventively so that the elderly age in a healthy and vital way and continue to live at home for as long as possible.

The jury on Prosthetic X:

“The playful and poetic approach helps to look at sensitive social issues in a different way.”

How did the idea for this project come about?

Isaac Monté: Prosthetic X is a collaboration between myself and In4Art, an institute for art-driven innovation. The idea for the project arose during a joint exploration of the topic of ageing and the role of technology in it. Ageing is a hot topic. Thanks to medical innovations and changing lifestyles, we are getting older. This raises questions such as where people age, how people age and what it takes to grow old healthy, beautiful, loved and valued. Prosthetic X explores these questions and the role of technology in them in a speculative, experimental manner.

How does it contribute to a better world?

Isaac Monté: Prosthetic X places the user centre stage and ensures empowerment by providing the wearer with an insight into his or her state of health. The project shows how health and well-being can be shaped in our technological age by asking how we can “improve” our bodies with technology and what this can mean for our idea of health, vitality and beauty in the (near) future. It also questions how our perception of beauty and health changes when we “redesign” our faces and hands. Finally, it also combats loneliness by connecting people with shared interests and encouraging social interaction. 

Do you have any further plans for this project?

Isaac Monté: We are currently working on the further development of Prosthetic X in a wearable. VYX is a low-tech, intuitive wearable that helps the wearer age in a healthy and beautiful way. It ensures that you understand UV exposure, quantities of vitamin D and whether the wearer is getting enough exercise. Furthermore, Prosthetic X will travel as an installation and be shown at various locations, for example at NEMO, the science and technology museum in Amsterdam. Finally, we are also continuing to work on the Data Donation Register, a new form of terms of use in which the user is central, rather than the tech developer.

Prosthetic X
Prosthetic X
Prosthetic X