Get inspired by the winners of this edition

Following the Henry van de Velde Awards 25, a series of talks will be organised in collaboration with a number of partners in Spring. Grab your chance and discover the story behind the winning projects, designers and companies. The talks are in Dutch.

1. #HVDV25 Talk @ Antwerp

11 March, De Studio, Antwerp — together with the OVAM

with Ecodesign by OVAM Gold Award Winner ETAP Lighting

and Verde KinetiCore, Fairbuds, Hoe maak ik mijn gebouw toekomstgericht?, Jaga Net Zero, FenNet and Stock

2. #HVDV25 Talk @ Ghent

6 May, Wintercircus, Ghent

with Company Gold Award Winner Atelier Vierkant

and Caretool S!MPLR, Gent Waste Brick for DING, 019, Stadskantoor Gent and Stack

3. #HVDV25 Talk @ Genk

28 May, VAKlab, Genk — together Bokrijk

with Lifetime Achievement Gold Award Winner Nedda El-Asmar

and Guided by Tiles, IT Pieces, Al Khat, Dripl Refill Point, Tosca and PureAura

4. #HVDV25 Talk @ Brussels

25 June, Beursschouwburg, Brussel — together with the National Lottery

with Young Talent Gold Award Winner Jonas Van Put

and Urbanisto, Phonobet, Musée de la Mémoire ‘PROPRIÉTÉ UNIVERSELLE’ ®, Open Access Breast Couch and The Adult Playground

The talks are in Dutch. Participating is free, registration is needed