The jury members of this edition are known!

Design is a broad discipline. The Henry van de Velde Awards therefore highlight a diverse range of design disciplines. To detect the best of each category, we rely on a professional jury.

This year's Henry van de Velde Awards jury consists again of members with a rich and diverse experience in just about every field of design. Under the watchful eye of jury chairman Chris Baelus, they will analyse all the entries and come up with a thorough list of three winners per category.

The jury that will analyse the entries exists of Alexis Jacoby, Bart De Waele, Bart Lens, Bas Sturm, Becky Verthé, Bie Luyssaert, Brigitte Mouligneau, Erik Sijmons, Fabienne Beernaert, Hugo Puttaert, Inge Gobert, Jill Vanparys, Jynse Cremers, Kate Stockman, Michaël De Moor, Nansi Van Geetsom and Thomas Crombez.

Jury 24 - project categories
Jury 24 - project categories
Chris Baelus
Chairman jury and expert design sciences
Chris Baelus

Chris Baelus was a professor of product development at the University of Antwerp. He graduated in 1981 as an industrial designer from the NHIBS/Henry van de Velde Institute. After working as an independent designer for several years, he opted for education and research in product development. Until his emeritus status he has been affiliated with the Faculty of Design Sciences at the University of Antwerp.

Alexis Jacoby
Professor Strategic Design and Chair Department of Product Development University of Antwerp
Alexis Jacoby

Alexis Jacoby studied product development and worked for 20 years both in the corporate world and within education. He received his PhD in product development in 2012 and today chairs the Product Development Department of the Faculty of Design Sciences, University of Antwerp. He teaches design methodology and strategic design. With his research team, he focuses on complex problems and the role design can play in them.

Bart De Waele
Digital strategist Springbok Agency
Bart De Waele

Bart De Waele is passionate about the Internet, new technology, communication, transhumanism and entrepreneurship. He was co-founder and CEO of digital agency Duke & Grace, where he edited the digital trend report for many years. He is currently a digital strategist at Springbok Agency and invests in several digital start-ups.

Bart Lens
Bouwmeester Bokrijk
Bart Lens

Bart Lens is the founder of Lens°Ass studio and works on projects ranging from architecture and interior design to product and concept development. He designs for companies such as Moome, Jongform, Eden Design, and was asked to lead Bokrijk into a new era. He became curator with the task of developing an innovative and contemporary view of museum operations for the various crafts. As Bokrijk Master Builder, Bart helps watch over the DNA values from an overarching vision of craftsmanship. 

Bas Sturm
Business advisor Team Bedrijfstrajecten VLAIO
Bas Sturm

Bas Sturm studied industrial design at TU Delft. He worked for DAF, Philips and GE Plastics, among others, and was a partner at the design agency NLA Industrial Design. In the meantime, he taught part-time at Design Academy Eindhoven. As a business advisor at VLAIO Team Bedrijfstrajecten, he is intensively involved in innovation projects at Flemish companies.

Becky Verthé
Program director Industrial Product Design Howest Kortrijk
Becky Verthé

Becky Verthé is a lecturer and coordinator of Howest's Industrial Product Design program. She develops projects with her team, students and companies around the new themes driving the design landscape, such as circularity, smart technology & AI, human-centered design and product-service systems. Until 2009, Becky worked at Designregio Kortrijk. Since then she has been committed to a strong connection between (manufacturing) industry and education. She is also a board member of Trendvision.

Bie Luyssaert
Head Public Communication Design Museum Ghent
Bie Luyssaert

Bie Luyssaert started as the Head of Public Relations & Communication at the Design Museum Ghent in 2020. At Design Flanders since 1999, she discovered her love for design in all its aspects. Promoting and supporting Flemish designers for more than 20 years has provided a thorough insight into the Flemish design landscape.

Brigitte Mouligneau
Transition manager Circular Economy Vlaanderen Circulair
Brigitte Mouligneau

Brigitte Mouligneau studied law and worked for the Leuven Faculty of Law and the Flemish Government. Her interest in sustainable transitions and network management grew from her focus on the more complex long-term challenges. For example, she was able to work at Vlaanderen Circulair in 2016, where she has been focusing on the transition to a circular economy in Flanders as the Transition Manager since 2018.

Erik Sijmons
European Design & Innovation leader Samsonite
Erik Sijmons

Erik Sijmons is European Design & Innovation leader at Samsonite, where he started his career in 1986. He studied product development at the NHIBS in Antwerp where he graduated in 1982. In 2020, Erik received the Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement Gold Award. He is convinced that the most ultimate solution for product experience in this rapidly changing world is still in growth, from a sustainable point of view.

Fabienne Beernaert
Lecturer Visual Design / Design for Impact LUCA School of Arts Ghent
Fabienne Beernaert

Fabienne Beernaert is a lecturer, researcher and coordinator of the Design for Impact programme at LUCA School of Arts Ghent. She supports creative people in tackling complex social challenges and solving 'wicked problems' together. Fabienne believes in the cross-fertilisation of disciplines, in empowering students, in the cross-over between education, research and the creative field.

Hugo Puttaert
Graphic designer, curator and lecturer Sint Lucas Antwerpen
Hugo Puttaert

Hugo Puttaert is a graphic designer, curator, lecturer and reviewer. He organised the Integrated conferences, curated exhibitions, published Addmagazine and gave various workshops. He currently teaches at Sint Lucas Antwerp and has co-authored several books on graphic design. In 2014 MER Paper Kunsthalle published the book Think in Colour about his studio visionandfactory, written by Steven Cleeren and introduced by Rick Poynor.

Inge Gobert
Lecturer, researcher and coordinator Information Design LUCA School of Arts Brussels
Inge Gobert

Inge Gobert is a lecturer, researcher and coordinator within the Media & Information Design program at LUCA School of Arts Brussels. She was for many years artistic programmer of the lecture series Shapeshifters – Lectures on design, art, nature and experiment, and is co-author of the publications Shaping Voices and Thoughts on Designing Information. She is also a graphic designer and support consultant for a variety of book and identity projects.

Jill Vanparys
Game designer and user experience expert
Jill Vanparys

Jill Vanparys is a game designer and user experience expert. She builds bridges between people and ideas, between knowledge and games, between clients and developers. Over the years, she has created several educational games and experiences. She loves to explain difficult things. She enthusiastically shares her experience by coaching start-ups and bringing game makers together.

Jynse Cremers
Lecturer Digital Design Howest Kortrijk
Jynse Cremers

Jynse Cremers was the academic director of the Digital Design & Development bachelor’s programme at Howest Kortrijk for 10 years. She now teaches Digital Design and passionately guides the next generation of digital makers through our complex and extremely connected world. She is convinced that digital innovations have great added value for our society. She is also a member of the Management Board of School of Arts Ghent.

Kate Stockman
Brand and business strategist, future researcher and innovation coach
Kate Stockman

Kate Stockman is an experienced brand and business strategist, future researcher and innovation coach and leads FUTURE BUSINESS STUDIO, where she drives strategy and creative innovation projects for (inter)national design, fashion, food, hospitality and entertainment brands, helping them to see their blind spots and engage in sustainable growth. She is also a professor of Trend Implementation (Erasmushogeschool Brussel), keynote speaker and has a background as a photographer and creative director.

Michaël De Moor
Lifestyle journalist
Michaël De Moor

Michaël De Moor is a lifestyle journalist. He writes about photography, fashion, design and social trends for De Morgen Magazine, Sabato and Knack Weekend. After earning a master's degree in art science, he quickly entered the world of journalism. He is a big fan of art and architecture from the interwar period, although he can also more than appreciate some contemporary architects and designers.

Nansi Van Geetsom
Training manager Space & Service Design Thomas More
Nansi Van Geetsom

Nansi Van Geetsom, interior architect and educational scientist, is the founder and training manager of the postgraduate Space and Service Design at Thomas More Mechelen. Her research focus is on the systemic approach of the designing services and ervice environments, and how this influences design education and design practice.

Thomas Crombez
Author and lecturer Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
Thomas Crombez

Thomas Crombez is a lecturer, author, translator and publisher. His areas of expertise are philosophy of art and history of graphic design. He works at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (AP Hogeschool Antwerp) and at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Tilburg). In 2016, he founded publishing and design studio Letterwerk.

In addition, there are a number of jury members who will determine who goes home with the Lifetime Achievement, Young Talent, Company and Ecodesign by OVAM Award, namely Brigitte Mouligneau, Christophe Slagmuylder, Elien Haentjens, Nedda El-Asmar, Pascal Cools, Sang Vandenbosch, Sep Verboom, Vanessa Yuan and Vic Cautereels.

Jury 24 - hoofdprijzen
Jury 24 - hoofdprijzen
Chris Baelus
Chairman jury and expert design sciences
Chris Baelus

Chris Baelus was a professor of product development at the University of Antwerp. He graduated in 1981 as an industrial designer from the NHIBS/Henry van de Velde Institute. After working as an independent designer for several years, he opted for education and research in product development. Until his emeritus status he has been affiliated with the Faculty of Design Sciences at the University of Antwerp.

Brigitte Mouligneau
Transition manager Circular Economy Vlaanderen Circulair
Brigitte Mouligneau

Brigitte Mouligneau studied law and worked for the Leuven Faculty of Law and the Flemish Government. Her interest in sustainable transitions and network management grew from her focus on the more complex long-term challenges. For example, she was able to work at Vlaanderen Circulair in 2016, where she has been focusing on the transition to a circular economy in Flanders as the Transition Manager since 2018.

Christophe Slagmuylder
CEO and artistic director Bozar
Christophe Slagmuylder

Christophe Slagmuylder studied art history at ULB. He began his career as a teacher at La Cambre. Since 1991, he has been active in the broad arts sector. He made his name at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, where he worked from 2002 to 2018, succeeding Frie Leysen as director in 2007. In 2018, he became intendant at the Wiener Festwochen. Since February 2023, he has been CEO and artistic director of Bozar. Slagmuylder regularly serves on various working groups, committees, seminars and juries.

Elien Haentjens
Art and design journalist and curator
Elien Haentjens

As an art historian, Elien Haentjens has been writing about design, art and architecture for various magazines, publications and websites for 15 years. In addition, she has been curating and organising exhibitions and residencies for designers since 2012, especially in Brazil, and since 2018 she has been affiliated with the KASK School of Arts in Ghent. Every year she’s a member of various juries and committees.

Nedda El-Asmar
Designer and head Jewellery department PXL-MAD School of Arts Hasselt
Nedda El-Asmar

Nedda El-Asmar completed her training in jewelry design and silversmithing at the Royal College of Art in London. She designs for Hermès, Puiforcat, Eternum, Gense, Villeroy&Boch, Robbe&Berking, Serax, Demeyere, Obumex and Maison Vervloet, among others. From 2007 to 2019, Nedda taught and was head of the Jewellery department at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Since 2019, she has been working in the same position at the PXL-MAD School of Arts Hasselt.

Pascal Cools
Managing director Flanders DC
Pascal Cools

Pascal Cools worked for eight years at consulting firm Accenture on organisation and process design and change management. He started at Flanders DC in 2005 and became managing director there in 2007. Today, Flanders DC is the Flemish design and fashion center. Flanders DC supports designers, entrepreneurs and companies from the design and fashion sector in Flanders with advice, tools, inspiration and help with internationalisation. It is also the organiser of the Henry van de Velde Awards.

Sang Vandenbosch
Art director and graphic designer Bureau BoschBerg
Sang Vandenbosch

Sang Vandenbosch is art director and graphic designer at Bureau BoschBerg. The team has developed great expertise in designing visual identities. Typical is the combination of image and typography in a personal way, with great attention to content, challenged by the vision of the client. Bureau BoschBerg designs for Toneelhuis, STAM, Modemuseum Hasselt and Werchter Boutique, among others, and won the Henry van de Velde Young Talent Gold Award in 2021.

Sep Verboom
Designer and founder Livable Platform
Sep Verboom

Sep Verboom has a background in product design and international collaboration. He is a pioneer in broadening the definition of design, founder of the Livable Platform and lecturer in sustainable design at KASK School of Arts Ghent. For the past decade, he has worked as a practitioner expert on multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral design methodologies. His collaborative approach designs context. He has been recognized internationally, with numerous lectures, exhibitions and awards.

Vanessa Yuan
Founder design studio VYDC and creative director ecoBirdy
Vanessa Yuan

Vanessa Yuan is a product designer, born in Taiwan, and her career started in Milan and evolved into shopfitting project managing for luxury fashion houses. In 2011, with Joris Vanbriel, she co-founded the design studio VYDC in Antwerp. Since 2016, they manage their own circular design brand ecoBirdy. As the creative director of ecoBirdy, Vanessa has a patent in her name for recycling and manufacturing plastics, and her designs are on display in international museums.

Vic Cautereels
Product experience designer and Head of Studio TurnAround at Design Academy Eindhoven
Vic Cautereels

Vic Cautereels is a product designer of people-centered design experiences. He is also head of Studio TurnAround at the Design Academy Eindhoven. During his international career, he developed a particular affection/aversion for plastics. He was active as Global Vice President Design in DeSter, supplier of food-service solutions to the aviation industry, and before that Director Design EMEA for Tupperware Brands. He studied industrial design at NHIBS Antwerp.