It was only when the banner was actually rolled out that I saw that Dooremans design was not solely internally coherent. It formed a continuation of the architectural lines of the tower itself, generating in this way even more of an impact on the spectators — the ‘readers’ — down below. The lines of the Boerentoren were playing a subtle game with the lines of Dooreman’s text design.

Just as he had planned and anticipated. Since that day I can’t help but wonder: what would have happened if Dooreman had also been an architect? Maybe we should all start believing in reincarnation. So that Dooreman can come back and start all over again. And so that he, as a genius master builder, can win this Henry van de Velde Award a second time.

Fragments of this text appeared earlier in Lanoye’s contribution to Dooreman — 2009, Published by Lannoo nv, Tielt